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  • Hadžić, Fikret; Efendić, Velid (Ekonomski fakultet u Sarajevu, 2006)
    Ova publikacija sadrži pregled predavanja i vježbi nastavnog predmeta Bankarstvo koji se izučava u okviru nastavnog plana ECTS sistema na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Ona ima za cilj da studentima olakša praćenje ...
  • Hadžić, Fikret; Efendić, Velid (Ekonomski fakultet u Sarajevu, 2006)
    Ova publikacija sadrži pregled predavanja i vježbi nastavnog predmeta Bankarstvo koji se izučava u okviru nastavnog plana ECTS sistema na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Ona ima za cilj da studentima olakša praćenje ...
  • Kristić, Silvije ([S. Kristić], 2024)
    Javno-privatna partnerstva (JPP) u javnom zdravstvu privukla su veliku pažnju u posljednje dvije decenije. Dokazi upućuju na to da bi JPP mogla doprinijeti ublažavanju složenih zdravstvenih problema. Cilj ovog rada jeste ...
  • Kovač, Safet ([S. Kovač], 2024)
    Pokretanje biznisa može biti jedan od načina da ljudi ostvare svoje snove i postanu samostalni u svom poslovnom životu. Pokretanje preduzeća nije ni malo lagan proces, jer predstavlja izazov koji zahtjeva definisanje ...
  • Dostić, Milenko; Serdarević-Šestić, Munira; Kulović, Dženan (Internacionalni univerzitet "Philip Noel-Baker",, 2010)
    Osnovna namjena ovog priručnika je da pomogne savlađivanje problematike izrade biznis planova u okvirima šire literature namijenjene menadžmentu malih i srednjih preduzeća. Stoga je njena sadržina zasnovana na ...
  • Selimović, Amra ([A. Selimović], 2024)
    Blockchain tehnologija je sinonim za novost. Poput interneta u svojim ranim danima, blockchain tehnologija se često opisuje kao disruptivna tehnologija za koju se očekuje da bude kamen temeljac novih vrsta poslovnih i ...
  • Trivun, Veljko; Silajdžić, Vedad; Mahmutćehajić, Fatima; Mrgud, Mia (School of Economics and Business, 2015)
    This textbook presents business students with an introduction to the legal system and its operation. The central focus is, naturally enough, on the application of law to and within business. In order to maximize the ...
  • Huskić, Nejla ([N. Huskić], 2023)
    Country risk has become a major concern for the international financial community and investors due to political changes and the spread of globalization. Country risk analysis began in the 1970s when countries began to ...
  • Rovčanin, Naida (N. Rovčanin, 2024)
    Sustainability as a very significant topic nowadays started to be in greater focus by countries around the world in order to reduce the effect of climate change, and to somehow preserve the planet Earth. As many new ...
  • Husić-Mehmedović, Melika; Kukić, Slavo; Čičić, Muris (School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, 2012)
    This is the revised and expanded version of the first edition, this time in English. The reason for the English edition lies in the fact that more and more institutions, especially for university education, ...
  • Imamović, Meris-Hazim ([M-H. Imamović], 2023)
    This thesis explores the influence of vegetarian communities on consumption habits and the formation of a vegetarian tribe in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through qualitative analysis of interviews with participants, the study ...
  • Bučo, Nejra ([N. Bučo], 2024)
    Content marketing has emerged as a crucial and effective strategy for businesses and organizations to engage their target audience, build brand authority, enhance online visibility, and drive sustainable growth. This paper ...
  • Mališević, Miralem ([M. Mališević], 2024)
    Academic interest in copywriting, as one of the fundamental elements of marketing, is not proportionate to its contribution and importance to marketing as a whole. Starting from the visible advertisements on street ...
  • Unknown author (2011-10-12)
    This Course Handbook is designed to provide you with information and faculty guidelines that you need to be aware of. Included are details relating to your syllabi, coursework, and academic calendar along with important ...
  • Unknown author (2011-10-12)
    This Course Handbook is designed to provide you with information and faculty guidelines that you need to be aware of. Included are details relating to your syllabi, coursework, and academic calendar along with important ...
  • Unknown author (2011-10-12)
    This Course Handbook is designed to provide you with information and faculty guidelines that you need to be aware of. Included are details relating to your syllabi, coursework, and academic calendar along with important ...
  • Babić, Mirza ([M. Babić], 2023)
    This paper investigates the key aspects of relations with customers in Islamic Bank, which operates on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is primarily concerned with research into establishing and maintaining ...
  • Emina, Đapo ([E. Đapo], 2023)
    The presented study makes a contribution to the existing literature on tourism, consumer behavior, and destination coolness. Moreover, the study dives into a deeper understanding of the specific dimensions of destination ...
  • Sijarić, Nermin (2023)
    Ova studija imala je za cilj da ispita determinante efektivnosti upravljanja ključnim klijentima (u daljem tekstu KAM) u kontekstu kompanije Octapharma i da izvrši procjenu implementacije KAM-a unutar kompanije. Postavljena ...
  • Heleta Švrakić, Emilija ([E. Heleta Švrakić], 2024)
    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji se obrađuje tema lojalnost brendu, zajedno sa determinantama i posljedicama te lojalnosti. Postoji mnogo respektabilnih teoretskih i značajnih praktičnih nalaza koji su fokusirani na temu ...

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