This thesis explores the influence of vegetarian communities on consumption habits and the formation of a vegetarian tribe in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through qualitative analysis of interviews with participants, the study uncovers key findings related to the values and role of these communities. The emergence of vegetarian communities on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provides a space for vegetarians to engage in discussions, share
recipes, and exchange information about the importance of community. The adoption of
vegetarian values has led to changes in individuals' consumption habits, including a conscious effort to avoid unnecessary purchases, a focus on vegan clothing and cosmetics, and a preference for eco-friendly brands. The influence of the vegetarian tribe on individuals' decisions to become vegetarians varies, with some participants valuing the opinions of others while others prioritize personal preferences and independent decision-making. Furthermore,
participants expressed different approaches to sharing their opinion on the vegetarian lifestyle, ranging from being vocal advocates to avoiding conversations or seeking like-minded individuals. Overall, this study highlights the significance of vegetarian communities in shaping consumption patterns and providing a support system for individuals embracing vegetarianism. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of community in promoting and sustaining dietary choices and provide insights for marketers, policymakers, and individuals interested in engaging with vegetarian tribes.